The Miracle of Tissue Salts for Healing
When I first heard about Tissue Salts, I was fascinated by them. These Tissue Salts (sometimes referred to as Cell Salts) is what makes up the physical human body and when these natural salts or minerals are deficient, the body can become sick.
The original The Biochemic Handbook: How to Get Well and Keep Fit with Biochemic Tissue Salts, grabbed my interest years ago, but was a bit challenging to slog through.
Recently, a fellow homeopath from England, published a much simpler guide, complete with cute pictures, on the topic, Schuessler’s Tissue Salts Rediscovered: The 21st Century Guide to Self-Healing by Lisa Strbac.
The first paragraph in her introduction transformed this information into something I could immediately apply on a practical level – remineralize teeth and erase dental cavities(!).
Dr. Schuessler, the founder of tissue salts, claimed that they “are not based on homeopathic law but upon physiological chemical process that take place within the organism.”
I once heard it explained this way: If you were to cremate a body and analyze the ashes, you would find that the body is made up of these 12 tissue salts. These are essential to the composition of the body and if the body is deficient in any one of them, it can show signs of disease. All disease is due to a lack of one or more of these tissue salts. So if we give the body what it needs, it will heal itself!
Cells salts are different from mineral supplements. Minerals are given in larger doses and are not as quickly absorbed by the body, whereas Schuessler believed that the micro-doses of tissue salts were more readily absorbed into the bloodstream and the body’s tissue.
So let’s look at three tissue salts…
Calc Phos is #1 for bone health. It is concentrated in bones, teeth, connective tissues, blood cells and digestive juices. We would use it for bones (general bone health as well as broken bones & fractures, arthritis and sciatica), to build cells
(healthy teeth formation), support growth (stimulates cell production, especially during periods of rapid growth such as in childhood and during puberty) and as a restorative tonic (increases vitality in the elderly, for use after acute illnesses, as a nutrient for blood, restores weak organs and tissues). It can be used for heartburn and indigestion.
Ferrum Phos is #1 as an anti-inflammatory. It is concentrated in the hemoglobin of the blood, in blood vessels and is found in all body cells. We would use it in the first stage of illness (like at the first stage of colds – sore throat which is red and inflamed – bronchitis, pneumonia or flu), as an anti inflammatory agent (for arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica and sprains) and an oxygen transporter (blood disorders, iron deficiency and hemorrhages).
Mag Phos is #1 for cramps. It is concentrated in muscles, nerves, bone, teeth and blood. We would use it for muscle cramps or stiffness, pains (like colic, menstrual pains that are helped by heat or pressure, shooting or radiating pains, tension pains or headaches) and as an anti-spasmodic (like stammering, twitches, tics, squinting, angina pains, hiccups, writer’s cramps, dancer’s cramp).
Having a reference book to guide you in the selection of a cell salt, can be very helpful. I also scan using my Asyra equipment if the body is deficient and in need of any of these 12 cell salts. It is amazingly accurate.
Cell salts are homeopathically prepared in a 6X dilution, so they still contain a minute material dose of the original minerals. Dosing is 3-5 tablets 3x/day for 1-2 months. They dissolve in the mouth, similar to homeopathic pellets. They are safe for pregnancy, while breastfeeding and for infants. They are safe for all ages, non-toxic, have no side effects. You can take multiple salts in combination and at the same time.
These salts are easy to purchase at most healthfood stores and online through my Fullscript dispensary. Lisa Strbac’s book and the original The Biochemic Handbook can be purchased on
Click Here to Purchase Lisa's Book