I met Dr. Robert Slovak, an international water expert, at a conference recently and he told me the following amazing story. In 2001, while working deep in the rainforest of Brazil to bring advanced water technology to a remote village, he contracted life-threatening diarrhea due to unsanitary eating conditions.
He and his fellow biologist were in the middle of nowhere with no medical help available, but his buddy happened to have six ampoules of Quinton Marine Plasma– an imported marine plasma (seawater) from Spain with a history dating back to 1897 – and gave it to Dr. Slovak. It stopped his diarrhea and saved his life.
Amazed by the results, he left the following morning convinced he had uncovered one of the greatest medicines of history and made it his mission to expand awareness of Quinton. Since then, Quinton has become a worldwide phenomenon.
I heard about Quinton about a year ago, from a fellow practitioner who uses it for energy, or when she feels she’s coming down with a cold or flu, and to replenish her electrolytes after her work outs.
I recently had a wonderful vacation on a cruise to Alaska and took Quinton with me to keep me healthy on the cruise. I got lots of exercise, going up and down stairs, walking on excursions and had lots of energy. It worked great!
Our soil is deficient in minerals, so the food we eat is also deficient, which means we get depleted easily. “Quinton Plasma” is identical to blood plasma in its mineral and trace-element concentration. It restores the health of the extracellular matrix within the body and promotes cellular nourishment for daily needs.
This is important because dis-ease happens when there is depletion of these minerals, so when we add them back into our diet, health returns and disease goes away. Give the body what it needs and it will heal itself!
I highly recommend it!