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The Popularity of Homeopathy

Andrea Kiesel • August 10, 2023

The Popularity of Homeopathy

There is a reason why homeopathy is so popular.  It works with the body. Unlike traditional medicine that tends to suppress symptoms, homeopathy works towards overcoming them.


Homeopathy stimulates the body’s own curative powers, starting a process of recovery that is not just effective, but also long-lasting. 


That, my dear friends, is the real power of homeopathy.


In this day of amazing technology, where my husband just had heart surgery without having to open up his chest like last time, we have a simple, ancient medicine that has been around for centuries that can encourage the body to heal itself – and can be almost miraculous.

A Personal Story

Several years ago, I woke up in the middle of the night to the sounds of groans and moans and a thud, where my husband had fallen in the bedroom. He was lying on the floor, couldn’t move or speak, so I called 9-1-1 and they took him to the local hospital.


When I got to the Emergency Room, I was told he had had a stroke and it didn’t look good. I was given the option of having a drug administered that could possibly help. BUT it could also kill him or leave him a vegetable needing nursing home care the rest of his life, or it could restore some of his functions. I gave the go ahead and they admitted him to the hospital cardiology floor. Now it was time to wait and see. The nurses suggested I go home and get some sleep.

CLICK HERE to Read What Happened Next

What is Homeopathy and How Does it Work?

Homeopathy is a holistic scientific method and art of healing by safe, gentle, and natural means... stimulating the body's natural defenses to heal itself. It treats the whole person, not just the symptoms of a disease. The word is taken from the Greek words 'homois' meaning "like or similar" and 'pathos' meaning "suffering". Hence we have "similar suffering".


Homeopathic treatments are based on the principle of "like cures like" or the Law of Similars. In essence, a substance that will cause disease in a healthy person when given in large doses, will also cure a sick person with similar symptoms when treated with a very diluted, potentized Homeopathic dose of the same substance. The highly diluted remedy is completely safe and non-toxic and helps stimulate the body's own healing ability. 


This concept has been known since Hippocrates in 450 BC, and has been further developed through time until full scientific inspection was undertaken by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the 18th century.

In the situation of the stroke, Lachesis 200C was used. Lachesis is made from snake venom. Using the principle of “Like Cures Like”, if you were bit by a snake, the venom would disable the organs of the body, cause paralysis and ultimately death. If a person suffers from those symptoms, taking the highly diluted, homeopathic form of snake venom, will stimulate the body to heal itself. This is exactly what happened with my husband.


I’ve also successfully used Arsenicum Album 30C to stop chronic diarrhea within 10 minutes, which comes in very handy especially for food poisoning, or bugs picked up while traveling.


This remedy can also be used for insomnia from midnight to 3 a.m.; for a person who is anxious, restless, yet weak and exhausted; a perfectionist and/or has extreme fastidiousness, even OCD. It is also great for influenza with chills and burning pain. It was the selected remedy in India for the Covid outbreak.


Homeopathy is holistic, in that it treats the whole person (mental, emotional and physical) and not just the symptoms.

Homeopaths believe the symptoms are the body's own attempts at self-healing (a warning signal). Any suppression of these symptoms will drive the disease further into the body, even to more vital organs or bodily functions.

Homeopathic medicines have been proven for over 200 years to be safe and effective in treating ailments serious and minor, acute and chronic, physical and emotional.




Homeopathy can also play an important part in preventing illness/disease. They are prepared to modern high standards of safety and are recognized as both complimentary and alternative to allopathic medicines. Homeopathic remedies have no side effects when correctly administered and are safe even for babies, children and pregnant and nursing women as well as animals.




Homeopathy is considered by some to be the most effective form of natural medicine. It is widely used throughout Europe, Russia, Canada, India, Mexico and South America.

CLICK HERE for the Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies

Probably the most well-known advocate of homeopathy because of its safety and affordability was Mother Theresa. It is rapidly gaining popularity and is one of the fastest-growing alternative forms of medicine in North America.


At The Wellness Advantage we use single and combination remedies. Researchers have found that each homeopathic remedy has it own electromagnetic frequency or "signature", which suggests that homeopathic remedies work on a vibrational or energetic level. Using bio-energetic testing, we can test these frequencies along the electromagnetic

pathways of the body to pick the best remedy that will bring balance.


We also use Homeopathic Prophylaxis (Nosodes) instead of all of the childhood vaccinations. 


Which is another BIG TOPIC. 

More about that later…

CLICK HERE for Guidelines for Taking Remedies

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