Flu Prevention and Homeopathy - what you need to know:
The Flu Nosode homeopathic is the one my clients have had great success with this year. We recommend using a homeopathic prophylaxis annually for flu prevention… and the results are fantastic! I particularly recommend this in light of new information on how flu vaccination increases your risk of getting corona virus.
The latest statistics show that 92% of COVID-19 deaths are in adults 55 years and older. 2.7% are 24-44 years old and almost 0% are 24 years and younger. So if you are in the upper age range, you need extra protection!
Homeopathy is extremely effective in epidemics and has proven itself over the past 200 years. In the 1918 flu epidemic 99% of patients survived at homeopathic hospitals (there were hundreds of them in the USA at the time). In regular medical hospitals only 67% survived. Looking at a death rate of 1% compared to 33% is significant!
If you are looking for an excellent homeopathic than you'll want to take a look at our Influenza Plus SCV in our online store.
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